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byAlma Abell
There are few things more comforting on a cold winter evening than sitting in front of a fireplace, watching the flames and enjoying the warmth. It’s one of those things that the entire family can enjoy and it’s a great place to build some family memories. Of course, any time fire is involved, caution is called for, and one of the most sensible things you can do is to have that fireplace inspected regularly by an experienced Chimney Sweep in Topeka KS. Although a fireplace can be a lovely feature in a home, it can also be a danger if it isn’t properly maintained on a regular basis.
Because of their construction, fireplaces can pose a couple of serious threats to the safety of your home and family. The first threat is a buildup of soot and creosote in the flue. This buildup can prevent carbon monoxide from venting properly, causing it to backup into your home. Since it is colorless and odorless, it is an insidious threat that can eventually cause death. The second threat from your fireplace is when the built up creosote becomes a fire hazard. It is a flammable substance and is capable of creating a chimney fire which often spreads to other parts of a house. Both of these dangers can be circumvented by having your fireplace inspected and cleaned regularly. A professional chimney sweep in Topeka KS can handle this task and assure you and your family of many safe and cozy evenings.
One more word of caution regarding fireplace operation; another benefit of regular inspections is to head off any possible problems caused by blockage or partial blockage of your chimney by things like storm-driven debris, branches, bird nests or even small animals. Without any kind of protective screens or other deterrents, these things can happen. Your Chimney Sweep can explain what kinds of protection are best suited to your particular chimney design and can see that you are protected from future intrusions. Energy Center Manhattan Pool can install, repair, and maintain your fireplace, whether it’s wood-burning or gas, and keep it operating safely and at peak efficiency at all times.